Feds: The Enemy Of The Russians And The “Right”?



Thirty years ago, many of us believed we were in a “Fight or Die” scenario, concerning where the Federal government was headed. By this point, the Ruby Ridge incident was a memory, but the Waco tragedy was fresh in our minds. If they could murder that many innocent kids, and get away with it, what chance did an individual or small family have in fighting them? Not only would you be up against the physical forces of evil, but also the forces aligned with evil, and are in control of the public’s perception of us as a target.

As with many other threats to our way of life and lifestyle, this perceived enemy has waned or grown, depending on what was first and foremost in our minds at the moment, concerning threats. Twenty-two years ago, we were told a former ally, Osama Bin Laden, was running a terrorist group, which had attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. (I guess they couldn’t get a third plane for the NYC mission, so they had just planted the explosives in Tower 7 at an earlier time, right?) I’m glad they found that terrorist’s perfectly preserved passport in the rubble of the Towers, huh?

Twenty years ago, we were told that the “Arch Nemesis” of the U.S., Saddam Hussein, needed taken out (again), cuz WMD’s. Was there some Rad stuff there? Yes. Did the degree of threat Iraq posed to the U.S. exist in Iraq? Not even close. Many of us went to Afghanistan and Iraq to do our Duty as Soldiers, and we did our job, based on the info we’d been given.

Do I regret the things I did in Iraq? Not in the least. Bad men were dispatched in an efficient and timely manner. Do I believe we should we have been there, in the first place, fighting those “Bad men”? Hell, no! There are bad men all over the world (Especially in the U.S.), and the existence of bad men in a sovereign Country, or on another Continent isn’t a reason to go there and kill them.

Each of the situations mentioned above drew our “Eye Line”, and many placed the issues we had with our government on the back burner. Case in point, the obviously prewritten “Patriot Act” would have never seen the light of day, if 9/11 hadn’t happened. As it was, many were unaware of what it was, or contained until years later. How many provisions in that insidious “parchment” has been used to hem up average Americans, since it’s passage in 2001?

Since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have halted, many have turned their gaze inward again. Beyond the “Patriot Act” debacle, many have had their eyes opened by numerous situations that have occurred in the last15 years. Numerous issues during the first Obama Regime (We’re in the second one now), from threats of tyrannical gun control measures, to the “Obamacare” measures put in place, which proved the majority of “Conservative” SCrOTUS Judges are pretty much shills with “Closet Skeletons” that can control their opinions.

We went through three years of social beta testing, disguised as a “Pandemic” response. Generally speaking we not only fell in line and said “Jump?”, we said, “How High?” For at least a year and a half, many of us were threatened with the loss of our livelihood if we didn’t comply with masking up and taking an untested poison.

Besides those threats, hundreds of businesses went under, due to the control games the Administration was playing. Unless you were of the “Correct” political affiliation, and/or racial identity during “Mostly Peaceful Protests”, you better comply with the rules set forth by the “Medical Napoleon”, or you would/could be arrested.

Since then, those that keep track of such things, have noted the number of food processing plants and/or food production businesses that have been destroyed. Who even has a real figure now, but it’s in the hundreds just in the last two years. Train derailments are constantly in the news, and are way above the norms. Conveniently that can be tied into the food industry situation mentioned, because those train wreck almost always contaminate a major water source. BTW, so who was actually held accountable for the East Palestine situation, or as usual, was it forgotten about and swept under the “Agenda 2030 Rug”?

“Global Warming”, now being sold as “Climate Change”, is being crammed down our throats, and into our lungs with the conveniently high level of fires across the globe. When was the last time, if ever, anybody remembers getting affected on the Central East Coast by smoke from the wild fires in the Canadian wilderness?

Recently, the majority of Leftists/Communists (most were posing as liberals) have either had their “Masks” ripped off, or have willingly removed it. They’ve done this, because they have no fear of the repercussions they would have suffered even thirty years ago. There is no “Civil conversation” anymore, between the Right and the Left.

Those on the Right are generally willing to listen (to a fault many times), but the Left not only won’t listen to a logical argument, they want to stop the delivery of the message/argument, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! This is because they are Communists, or wanna be Tyrants, who will use Communism to gain the power they seek. Ironically, they then discard (kill) those who helped them achieve their goal.

Jesus Christ advised to “Turn the other cheek”, and “He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one”. He never said Lay down and die to let evil inherit the Earth. He also whooped some ass in the temple, when that place was desecrated by some greedy SOB’s. The Leftists/Communists want our children. They want to control their minds and in many instance, from what we’ve learned of the international human trafficking epidemic, their bodies.

If you don’t have kids, you won’t totally understand, but you can still “Get it”. This is what I learned when I had kids. Take the thought of protectiveness you think you’d feel, then multiply it times infinity ∞, and you’ll get close. Our Freedom is a big motivator for me, but my children’s future is an even bigger one.

In the “Old Days”, Communists were good at making a child question their beliefs, whether it be religious or political. These days, the bastards are making them question their Damned Gender. I refuse to allow someone to even have access to my young children to make the suggestion. A Government Official won’t even get the chance to question my small kids, and I’m pretty sure where my adult kids would tell them to stick it.

As it stands now, the “Conservative (I hate that term because most, especially the politicians in that group, are not conservative with anything but their wrath) Right” and the Russians are in the same boat, regarding how the U.S. government treats them, and what it wants to do to them.

In the last month, “FBI Hit Squads” (I refuse to use “SWAT” or “HRT” to describe what they’ve become) have killed two disabled Vets. The first in Utah, and second in Tennessee. Both incidents appear to be unjustified (as to killing them), given what is known about the incidents at this time. Regardless of their excuses to get their guns off, what is known about the situation at the time, doesn’t comply with the use of deadly force towards the victims when you apply the three part test that was derived from the Graham v. Connor (490 U.S. 386 [1989]) case. Those thugs definitely aren’t going to be given the benefit of the doubt. They’ve earned that status.

Federal Agents are being sent out by the Administration, to intimidate or kill Law Abiding Citizens, whether it be the ATF inquiring about FRT Trigger possession, the FDA messing with farmers, comments at a school board meeting being questioned by the FBI, or as in the case in Utah, the FBI responding physically to a man’s statements on social media (It was the FBI, but why wasn’t a threat against the pResident investigated by the Secret Service?). Keep in mind, this only applies to those on the Right. Those on the Left can make overtly implied threats, concerning those on the Right, whether they be politicians or even the President, and get away with it.

To round out this synopsis, we have no real leadership on the Right that will do anything. Strongly worded censure is about as serious as Republican Congressmen get. This has been shown innumerable times since Hillary Clinton was being grilled about things she did as the Secretary of State, back during Obama’s reign. Anyone who thinks those spineless, corrupt and mostly effeminate meat puppets, “representing” us in Washington DC are going to do something meaningful, concerning bringing anyone to justice that has proven to be the evil amongst us, should probably quit smoking the weed, or cut back on their prescribed psych med of choice, because their judgement is faulty at best.


Constitutional Militia?

Do I recommend you join a local “Constitutional Militia? Hell no! If it’s a truly “Constitutional” militia, your “Commander-in-Chief” is your Governor, and I’ll be Damned before I’d put my “Services” under the authority of my Governor. Do the research and you’ll see what I’m talkin” about. If you think using the term “Constitutional Militia” in your group’s title will keep you within the good graces of the Law, you will probably find out the hard way that you are mistaken.

Survival Group

You should already have a core of people you’d come together with, when it has, “Hit the fan”. Within that group should be a cadre of people assigned to the defense of your area. If you can find other groups in your locale, forming a larger confederacy of the “Defensive Cadres” of each group makes the most sense. Having a “Meet, Greet and Confab” to discuss responses to scenarios and areas of responsibility would help the overall defensive preparedness of a larger area than you and your group can cover on it’s own.

Consider what our politicians, whether legislative or judicial, have done to the authority of the U.S. Constitution, in modern day, and plan accordingly. Saying, “We’re not following what the ‘Constitutional Guidelines’ put forward, regarding what is and isn’t an authorized militia, because we’re not relinquishing our autonomy to ANY politician.”, just makes sense. That will also probably be the least of your worries if you have to “Stand To”.

There are too many trainers out there, to say you can’t get training, if you are serious. If you have some “Combat Arms” Vets in your group, have them show you the basics of their Military Occupational Specialty, at a minimum.


Except for the scale of the two situations right now, those on the Right, and the Russians are in the same “Boat”, concerning the overt and covert threats, and the possibility of being attacked. Just like the Russians, not everyone on “The Right” are good guys. Just like with the Russian situation, the Obiden Administration and the Elites are giving funds to undermine or totally wipe out the ability of the Right to resist and even more so, fight back.

My “Modern Gadsden Flag” at the beginning of the post says, “Tread About and Find Out”, and that is my position. Is that a threat? Sure. The difference between this type of threat and an overt threat towards everyone, is best described in the phrase, “To whom it may be concerned”. Those with ill intent know who they are, and know what they’ve got planned. There’s a reason the flag has a rattlesnake on it. We give warning first before we strike.

Having taught “Use of Force” in a Law Enforcement setting, I can tell you any legitimate “Use of Force Continuum” starts off with “Officer Presence”, then goes to “Verbal Commands” (the “Tread About And Find Out” statement falls in at this level). I don’t have to go through all the steps in the Continuum, before I can use “Deadly Force” but unless time is of the essence (many times it is), due to fear for my life or that of a bystander, going through the continuum is suggested, even if it’s to show you were following what is perceived to be a Moral/Ethical standard while engaged in an altercation.

Although the evil ones that we’re talking about, at the National and International level, are more overt than they used to be, they are still trying their best to hide the true horror of what they have planned. Now, here comes Covid 2.0 measures and all the BS that it involves. RESIST!! Agenda 2030 is going to proceed nicely, till we disconnect the coal car and throw the engineer off the train.

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